Monday, October 11, 2010

Creativity From Without

I remember last year I had a calander with several art pieces in nature and some from everyday life. The front cover had a beautiful design of a huge nest made just from the metierals found in nature. Nils-Udo, a Bavarian artist, created this piece from what he found around him. He had begun like most artists do, creating pieces that came from within the artist, pieces that matter to the artist. He eventually ventured out into the open, into nature, and started to create pieces that inspiered him. Like Andy Goldsworthy, he would set out with no goal in mind, but would rather venture out to have his work find him. For him to just be in nature and look around him helps to inspire the art he has created. Once Nils-Udo begins his work, he uses his senses to souround himself within his work. He remebers the smells and the sounds, how each branch or stone feels, and how he works each tiny detail into his main ephemeral desgin. I will never forget his piece The Nest because I have kept the beautiful calander (although at this point in time I am unsure of it's exact location) and it has also inspired me to look into nature for insperation, even if I am unsure of what exactly I am looking for. (If only that would work to help me find this calander...) Here are a few links including one on his book.

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