Monday, November 1, 2010

Industrial Design- The New iPod Touch

Apple has designed many versions of mp3 players called iPods throughout the years, but the one that sticks out the most to me is the iPod Touch. A few weeks ago Apple introduced the new iPod Touch with new features that the old version never had. The change in updates was so quick and drastic that it makes the older version obsolite now. They have designed the new version to have a camera able now to take photos and even video. This was a feature only the iPhone has had, but now brings appeal to those who do not own an iPhone. The new iPod also has the same micro chip as the iPhone 4 and the iPad, devices with much more to offer than a simple iPod. Right now Apple's biggest marketing feature for the new iPod Touch is the ability to have video chats with friends and family. By adding these new features to the iPod Touch's design the popularity will skyrocket for fans who want the features of an iPhone, without using AT&T's crappy service. This little device is everything you would want in a phone, but without the phone. Before all of Apple's updates to the iPod Touch, it was a popular product, but now it has become a product that iPod Touch fans will purchase to replace their previous Touch. This method of updating or changing already popular products gives desginers a way to improve the lives of the public. For example, with all the new features that the iPod Touch now comes with, there is almost no need for a computer for video chats and you no longer need to carry around a camera or video camera. All of these fetures are compressed into a slick slim device that can be easily carried to all of your favorite places.
Here is the site with all of the new feature information:
Image site and additional information:

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