Monday, November 1, 2010

Objectified- Content vs. Form

On Thursday our Design 001 class watched a documentry film called Objectified which is about designers talking about design, howit works, how it effects the public, and even designs purpose. What makes this film so interesting and effective is not necessarily the content because any designer could talk about desgin, but the form. Each designer's imput and interpritation helped contribute to the content of the film. but small details such as camera angles and choice of images inhanses the impact of each statement that each desginer makes throughout the film. When they talk about the importance of design or even in the very beginning of the film the viewer is forced to see everyday objects such as a toothbrush or chinese toothpicks up closeand in a way that is different from the everyday. We tend to look at objects very quickly and dont usually take the time to look at how it was designed. Objectified's main goal is to show the problems desginers go through on a daily bases that the public takes for granted. By showing the thought process along with sketches of their designs and how they come up with their ideas to improve the lives of everyone. The viewer does not realize just how much thought goes into design until they hear and SEE it for themselves. For example, one desginer explained how their desgins don't last forever and will eventually end up being thrown away. The images of computers and other products being crushed and thrown away in a dumpster show the impact of the former statement. Any desginer can talk about design and the impact it has on society, but in Objectified they SHOW the impact.
If you liked Objectified check out this film:
Image above from:

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